Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2009

Life like a winner

live like a winner
give life all you've got
make your best shot

live like a winner
rock what you've got
just don't get caught

live like a winner
try your best
put your mind to the test

live like a winner
and you will do great


just simple word ...smile
but sometimes its hard to do when its didn't from our heart
how many human that smile lost from their face...
how many of us didn't have this word
when you try harder and you fail...
don't be upset ...world is yous..
may be yesterday and today its not yours
but who know tommorow and other day its yours
so what you waiting for just smile....

Khamis, 27 Ogos 2009


What's the difference between chopped beef and pea soup?
Everyone can chop beef, but not everyone can pea soup!

Why don't aliens eat clowns?
Because they taste funny.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh

Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other : "Funny, I smell carrots too".

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?

Two peanuts walk into a bar.
One was a salted.

Why did the fish get kicked out of school?
Cause he was caught with seaweed.

The fight we had last night was my fault,
my wife asked me what was on the TV and i said dust.

Boys are like parking spaces the good ones are take-in!!!!

What did one ghost say to another?
Do you believe in people?


News: 3 Chimps escaped from the zoo... 1 was caught watching tv... another playing football and the third one was caught reading this txt message

The longest sentence known to man: "I do."
CNN News. Bush orders 15,000 FBI trained dogs to track down Osama. FBI awaiting further orders as one of the dogs is reading this
Crime doesn't pay...Does that mean my job is a crime?
This dog, is dog, a dog, good dog, way dog, to dog, keep dog, an dog, idiot dog, busy dog, for dog, 20 dog, seconds dog! ... Now read without the word dog.
Why were males created before females?
Cos you always need a rough draft before the final copy.


1. Your boss is always yelling, "I wanna see your ass in here by 8:00!"

2. Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to work on your tan.

3. "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants."

4. To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down your blouse.

5. You want to see if it's like the dream.

6. So that with a little help from Muzak you can add "Exotic Dancer" to your exaggerated resume.

7. People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where you keep them.

8. Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to work drunk.

9. Gives "bad hair day" a whole new meaning.

10. No one steals your chair.

Rabu, 26 Ogos 2009


we are what we think who we are...

other people think we are stupid....or lost of mind.. but did they know what actually we doing....sometimes when we doing something abnormal thing we can find our self potential ..so what we waiting for...explore our self..be proud to be yours..

Good morning

say helooo and smile today..because we are still here...in this world...one more day
but don't forget...other people did,t lucky likes us to have today...

The El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon.

The ENSO phenomenon is associated ultimately with sea-surface temperature anomalies in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean and correlated atmospheric responses. It usually last 6-18 months and occur cyclically at intervals of from 2 to 10 years, averaging about once every 4 years.

These fluctuations have been linked to changes across the entire tropical Pacific, and indirectly to exceptional weather patterns throughout the atmosphere and oceans of the world. The 1982-83 ENSO was perhaps the strongest this century. In the Indo-Pacific region, severe droughts occurred in places as distant as Australia, the Philippines, South India and southern Africa.

Two or three times each decade, the dry season in Borneo is more severe and prolonged than normal. Large-scale droughts occurred in the years 1965, 1972, 1976, 1982-83, 1987, 1991, 1994 and 1997-98, with the last five being particularly severe and the final one the most intense in recorded history.

The fires of 1982-83
The ENSO phenomenon of 1982-83 resulted in one of the most extreme droughts this century in Sabah. At the height of the drought in February-April, rainfall was only 15 % of normal. Fires caused by man began in January and were most widespread throughout the state from March to May. One million or more hectares of forest were burnt, of which 85% was logged-over forest. Economic and ecological losses in natural forests were enormous, and extensive areas of plantation forests and agricultural crops also burnt.

According to Beaman et al (1985):

The total forested area burned was approximately 950,000 ha or 15 % of Sabah.
Logged-over forest is 6 times more likely to be burnt during a drought than primary forest.
Royalty losses to the state was estimated to be in the tens of millions of ringgit.
See map of the extent of the 1983 fires.
The fires of 1997/98
The total area burnt is not as severe as that of 1983. It was estimated to cover about 130,000 to 150,000 ha. However, if the fires of 1983 were widespread, 1997/98 saw the fires mainly occurring in southwest and the northern part of the state. In the southwest, fires occurred in the peat swamps of the Klias Peninsula (see also Binsuluk FR and Klias FR), in the Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd concession area and in the areas east of Tenom and Keningau towns. Areas in the north included the Crocker Plains and the northern Crocker Foothills, parts of the Bandau Plains and large areas in the Sugut Delta

History of forest reservation

The Forestry Department was only formed in 1914 despite having been proposed as early as 1883. The laws on forestry were modified in 1916 with the introduction of Ordinance No. 11 of 1916 'Timber and Jungle Produce' which defined for the first time the idea of 'forest reserve'.

The first forest reserve in Sabah was Tuaran Timber Reserve which was gazetted 6/4/1920. (The oldest existing forest reserve is the Gomantong FR in the Lower Kinabatangan Floodplain. It was gazetted on 1st Oct 1925). By 1930, there were about 30,066.8 ha of forest reserves and communal forests, approximately 0.37% of the total area of Sabah. During those times, the main purposes to gazette forest reserves were mainly for:

protection from timber exploitation,
preservation of natural forest types (for e.g. mangroves),
protection against soil erosion, and
water catchments.

Forests intended for timber extraction (including mangroves) were called 'licensed areas'. After the Second World War, the first steps were taken towards a complete forest inventory and forest classification. In 1948, the Forest Policy, an improvement to the Forest Ordinance of 1936, was officially accepted by the Government. By 1949, forest reserves were internally (i.e. within the Forestry Department) classified into 4 classes of forest reserves, namely Class 1 (Protection), Class 2 (Commercial), Class 3 (Domestic) and Class 4 (Amenity).

Thus, licensed areas or concessions were also regarded as forest reserves although internally classified as commercial production forests.

In the 1950s, forest inventory using interpretation of aerial photographs began. This was in preparation for a statewide forest inventory which started in 1969 and was completed in 1972. However, during this time (1950s--pre-1972), the increasing use of remote sensing led to better planning of access routes to timber resources. It was during this time that logging became mechanised with the use of chainsaws and tractors. These technologies resulted in a rapid pace of de-reservation of the gazetted, preliminary notified and proposed forest reserves. Similarly, due to the internal classification scheme, forest reserve classes were changed just as rapidly, for e.g. from Class 1 to Class 2 (for timber extraction).

With the completion of a statewide forest inventory in 1972. The inventory maps produced clearly showed--for the first time--the availability of timber resources throughout the state. Inadvertently, these 'treasure' maps proved to be the catalyst for the timber industry, leading to rapid rate of logging that in 1979, the royalties collected from the timber industry amounted to some RM1.1 billion. Meanwhile, the rapid pace of de-reservation of forest reserves continued and was almost routine in the 1970s and early 1980s that the Forestry Department proposed to put a halt to this. A new set of forest reserves was needed together with amendments to certain clauses of the Forest Enactment to ensure that there would be no further unnecessary de-reservation of constituted forest reserves.

Thus, in 14/3/1984, the Government, in an unprecedented move breaking over 30 years of tradition, regazetted all existing forest reserves--and gazetted new ones--to include classes of forest. This meant that even the classes of forest reserves were constituted (for e.g. 'Silabukan Forest Reserve' became 'Silabukan Forest Reserve, Class 1 Protection Forest').

This excellent progress meant that forest reserves could not be reclassified within the forestry department anymore. Any changes to the classification of forest reserves after 1984, especially changes to Class 2 Commercial forest reserves, had to obtain the approval of the State Cabinet and the Governor of Sabah. Obviously, this process is very time-consuming and, indeed up to the present, has dissuaded attempts for reclassification.

Monkey Organization

An organization is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels.

Some monkeys are climbing up, some down.

The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces.

The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

10 Reasons Not To Jog

1. My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now & we don't know where the heck she is.

2. The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

3. I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up.

4. I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

5. I don't exercise at all. If God meant us to touch our toes, he would have put them further up our body.

6. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

7. I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.

8. The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.

9. If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.

10. I don't jog. It makes the ice jump right out of my glass.

antara sahabat dan kawan?

Terdapat perbezaan di antara kawan dan sahabat;

Pertama, kawan adalah seorang yang namanya kau ketahui, yang kau lihat berkali-kali, yang dengannya mungkin kau miliki persamaan, dan kau berasa gembira bersamanya. Ia adalah orang yang dapat kau undang ke rumah mu dan dengannya kau bergurau. Namun, kau tidak akan memberikan hidupmu kepada mereka kerana kadang-kala tindakan-tindakan mereka tidak dimengerti kerana kau kurang mengenali mereka.

Sebaliknya, seorang sahabat adalah seseorang yang kau cinta, bukan kerana kau jatuh cinta padanya, namun kau mengambil-berat tentang dirinya, dan kau memikirkannya ketika dia tiada di sisi mu.Sahabat adalah orang yang kau ingat ketika kau melihat sesuatu yang mereka sukai kerana kau amat mengenali mereka.Mereka adalah orang yang gambarnya kau miliki dan wajahnya selalu didalam benakmu.

Mereka adalah orang yang kau lihat dalam fikiran mu ketika kau mendengar lagu kerana mereka membuat dirimu berdiri untuk menghampiri mereka,mungkin mereka pernah memijak jari kakimu atau sekadar menempatkan kepala mereka di bahumu.Mereka adalah orang-orang yang diantaranya kau merasa tenang kerana kau tahu mereka mengambil berat terhadapmu.

Mereka menelefon hanya untuk mengetahui apa khabarmu, kerana sahabat sesungguhnya tidak mengharapkan suatu alasan pun. Mereka berkata benar - pertama kali - dan kau melakukan hal yang sama. Kau tahu bahwa jika kau memiliki masalah, mereka akan bersedia mendengar.

Mereka adalah orang-orang yang tidak akan mentertawakanmu atau menyakitimu, dan jika mereka benar-benar menyakitimu, mereka akan berusaha keras untuk memperbaikinya. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang kau cintai dengan sedar ataupun tidak.

Mereka adalah orang-orang dengan siapa kau menangis.Mereka adalah orang-orang yang pada saat kau peluk, kau tak akan berfikir berapa lama memeluk dan siapa yang harus lebih dahulu mengakhiri. Mungkin mereka adalah orang yang memegang cincin pernikahanmu, atau orang yang menghantarkan atau mengiringmu pada saat pernikahanmu, atau mungkin adalah orang yang kau nikahi.

mari test unikkah otak anda

beolh tak adna bcaa parkatean aatu aayt ini?..klaau adna bleoh, nii brmkanea oatk adna jgua pleik..hnaya 50 drapidaa 100 oanrg ynag bleoh..syaa tdaik pryacea bhawaa syaa sbnaerynea bleoh bcaa ini..taleh dbiutkakn bwahaa oatk mnauisa tdaik mbaecma kselueruahn praktaean taepti hnyaa hruuuf id hpadaan dan id akihr shajaa..hruuf id hpadaan dan id akihr ynag prleu bdarea id tmapet ynag btuel..kaeadan hruuf lian tadik dmabil kria..dan wlaauupn bterauber, adna msiah dpaat mmaebca nya..dsayat kan? syaa salelau fkiir eaajn aladah ptneig!...blaas siekynraa adna beolh mcbaemayna

Selasa, 25 Ogos 2009

kenangan kita

selamanya tetap bersemi bersama

bila masa itu terus berlalu pasti ada senyuman yang datang walau ketika itu kita tidak tersenyum
semestinya sekolah periang tanpa airmata adalah asas kita kini....i love u all

just for fun

Businessman and Fisherman

What do you really hope to achieve in life? Read this story and you

may find that what you are always hoping to achieve, you may be

already have it.

There was once an American businessman who was sitting by the beach

in a small Mexican village. As he sat, he saw a Mexican fisherman

rowing a small boat towards the shore and noticed that the fisherman

has caught a quite number of big fishes that is known to be a delicacy.

The American was really impressed and ask the fisherman,

"How long does it take you to catch so many fishes?"

The fisherman reply; "Oh, just a short while."

"Then why don't you stay longer at sea and you could catch even more?

The businessman was astonished.

The fisherman simply does not agree,

"This is enough to feed my whole family?" he says.

The businessman then asked: "So, what do you do for the rest of the day then?"

The fisherman reply; "Well, I usually wake up early in the morning,

go out to sea and catch a few fishes,

then I would go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon,

I will take a nap with my wife, and evening comes,

I will join my buddies in the village for a drink, we played guitar,

sing and dance throughout the night. My day was ever so complete and carefree."

The businessman does not agree with his way of life and offered a

suggestion to the fisherman.

"I am a PhD holder graduated from Harvard University,

specialises in business management.

I could help you to become a more successful person.

From now on, you have to spend more time at sea and try to catch

as many fishes as possible. And when you have save enough money,

you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fishes.

As you go on, you will be able to afford to buy more boats,

recruit more fishermen and lead a team of your own.

Soon you will be able to set-up your own company,

your very own production plant for canned food and do direct

selling to your distributors.At that time,

you will have moved out of this village and to Mexico city,

and then expand your operation to LA, and finally to New York city,

where you can set-up your HQ to manage all your other branches."

The fisherman asks, "So, how long would that take? "

The businessman reply: "About 15 to 20 years"

The fisherman continued, "And after that?"

The businessman laugh heartily, "After that, you can live like a king

in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and

float your shares in the Stock Exchange, by then you will be rich,

your income will be coming in by the millions!!"

The fisherman ask, "And after that?"

The businessman says "After that, you can finally retire,

you can move to a house by the fishing village,

wake up early in the morning and catch a few fishes,

then return home to play with the kids,

have a nice afternoon nap with your wife, and when evening comes,

you can join your buddies for a drink, play the guitar,

sing and dance throughout the night!! "

The fisherman was puzzled, "Isn't that what I am doing now??"

So, what does one really hope to achieve in life,

do we really need to work so hard in life ?

What do you hope to accomplish in the end ?


Kita corakan alur yang ada
Dengan semangat penuh gelora
Sekiannya terus berlagu
Membawa sejuta makna perjalanan
Pabila masanya tiba
Kita bawa haluan yang berbeza
Terkenangkah kita saat ini
Bila resam dunia sama dirasa
Likunya hidup sama dikupas
Indahnya tawa beralun seirama
Tajamnya kata pemanis diri

Di sini kita bersua
Ingin menggapai impian yang sama
Penerokaan kita di sini
Telah berakhir sementara
Pengembaraan sebenar baru bermula
Telah kita susun bait tekad dan wawasan
Dari awal setahun jagung
Ke matang padi setangkai
Dari kosong tin berbunyi
Ke sarat delima bersinar
Ikatan ini semestinya teguh
Pabila langkah kita mula jauh
Pabila wajah tak tersua
Pabila kenangan mula bermain
Disana mungkin ada tawa
Disana mungkin ada rindu
Disana semuanya bermain sendu

Pertemuan yang sesingkat ini
Ada tersirat khazanah ilmu
Perpisahan yang semestinya datang
Membawa erti yang dalam
Kita ukir bersama kata
Tika semalam ada rajukmu
Tika kelmarin ada nasihatmu
Andai dunia mengerti hakikat
Pasti selamanya kita bersama
Hanya ruang yang memisahkan
Namun hati kita terikat
Tetap utuh bersama…..

owh my world

Bumi makin tenggelam
Lebih 100 juta penduduk dikatakan menjadi pelarian akibat kediaman masing-masing tenggelam ditelan lautan
FILEM dokumentari An Inconvenient Truth yang dihasilkan tahun lalu, menampilkan beberapa fakta mengejutkan antaranya kemungkinan paras laut dunia akan meningkat sehingga enam meter jika fenomena pemanasan global tidak dihentikan segera.

“Enam meter?” Kita mungkin tertanya-tanya kesahihan jangkaan itu. Akan tetapi, jika jangkaan itu benar-benar berlaku, pastinya kenaikan paras laut setinggi enam meter adalah sesuatu yang menggerunkan.

Kawasan tanah rendah dan tepian pantai yang luas di seluruh dunia akan tenggelam menyebabkan kawasan daratan semakin mengecil dengan lautan menjadi semakin luas. Lebih menakutkan adalah 100 juta penduduk (mengikut jangkaan filem dokumentari itu) akan menjadi pelarian lantaran kawasan kediaman masing-masing tenggelam ditelan lautan.

Mengulas jangkaan itu, Pensyarah Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Prof Madya Dr Fredolin Tangang @ Tajudin Mahmud, berkata kenaikan paras laut sehingga enam meter sebenarnya tidak mustahil boleh berlaku tetapi mengambil masa lama.

Beliau berkata, hakikatnya, kajian mendapati paras laut dunia kini semakin meningkat sejak ratusan tahun lalu malah sudah ada beberapa kawasan tanah rendah dan pulau yang tenggelam akibat kenaikan paras laut atau hakisan pantai.

“Akan tetapi, peningkatan dalam beberapa dekad akan datang tidaklah setinggi enam meter tetapi dianggarkan pada penghujung abad ke-21, peningkatan paras laut sekitar 0.5 meter saja. Kenaikan sehingga enam meter memerlukan masa yang lama dan mungkin selama ribuan tahun,” katanya.

Katanya, terdapat tiga faktor menyebabkan paras laut meningkat dan semua faktor terbabit berpunca daripada aktiviti pemanasan global.

“Dianggarkan kira-kira 57 peratus dari peningkatan paras laut berpunca daripada kesan pengembangan haba di lautan manakala kira-kira 28 peratus lagi disumbangkan oleh pencairan glasier dan litupan ais.

“Selebihnya disumbangkan pencairan ais di Greenland dan Antartika. Buat masa ini sumbangan pencairan di kedua-dua kawasan itu masih kecil tetapi sumbangan itu pasti meningkat seiring peningkatan suhu dunia pada beberapa dekad akan datang,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, peningkatan paras laut akibat pengembangan haba berlaku apabila suhu air laut menjadi panas akibat menyerap haba yang berlebihan dalam sistem iklim dunia dan keadaan itu menyebabkan isipadu air laut juga bertambah.

“Menurut Laporan Penilaian Keempat Panel Antara Kerajaan Mengenai Perubahan Iklim (AR4 IPCC) yang dikeluarkan Februari lalu, aktiviti pemanasan global menyebabkan purata suhu dunia meningkat 0.74 darjah celsius dari 1906 hingga 2005.

“Bagaimanapun, dalam tempoh lima dekad terakhir, kadar pemanasan meningkat dua kali ganda kepada 1.3 darjah celsius. Seiring dengan peningkatan purata suhu dunia, purata paras laut juga meningkat dan peningkatan sepanjang abad ke-20 dianggarkan 0.17 meter,” katanya.

Laporan AR4 IPCC juga menjangkakan pada penghujung abad ke-21, purata paras laut dunia dianggarkan meningkat dari 0.18 meter hingga 0.59 meter berbanding paras laut pada 1980 hingga 1999.

Peningkatan paras laut sememangnya mendatangkan ancaman serius malah ketika ini, sudah ada beberapa kawasan tanah rendah dan pulau seperti Pulau Tuvalu di Lautan Pasifik yang menghadapi risiko ditenggelami lautan.

“Bagaimanapun, kadar kenaikan paras laut ini berbeza mengikut tempat, corak tiupan angin musim, fenomena iklim seperti El Nino dan La Nina selain fenomena air pasang-surut yang berubah pada skala masa diurnal.

“Ada tempat yang mungkin mengalami kadar kenaikan paras laut yang tinggi manakala tempat lain mungkin rendah sedikit,” katanya.

Peningkatan paras laut juga boleh mendatangkan bahaya antaranya mampu mengakibatkan bencana banjir. Suhu laut yang semakin panas pula menyebabkan kejadian ribut dan taufan berlaku lebih kerap dan semakin dahsyat.

Selain itu, perubahan suhu dan pencairan ais juga menyebabkan beberapa spesies hidupan kutub seperti beruang polar, semakin terancam. Habitat hidupan itu semakin mengecil, rantaian makanan mereka terjejas dan dikhuatiri jika masalah ini berterusan, spesies terbabit akan mengalami kepupusan.

Mengulas jangkaan An Inconvenient Truth bahawa tiada ais di Lautan Artik pada musim panas 2050, Dr Fredolin berkata, keadaan itu tidak mustahil berlaku malah menurut IPCC, kadar penyusutan litupan ais di Artik pada musim panas adalah 2.5 peratus dari 1953 hingga 2006.

“Berdasarkan kadar ini dan unjuran yang dibuat pelbagai model dalam laporan IPCC, kadar penyusutan litupan ais diunjur berlaku pada kadar 5.4 peratus bagi tempoh sedekad dan berdasarkan kadar ini, litupan ais akan lenyap antara 2050 hingga awal abad ke-22.

“Bagaimanapun, kajian terbaru berdasarkan data satelit, pencerapan kapal laut dan kapal terbang mendapati kadar penyusutan dari 1953 hingga 2006 sebenarnya jauh lebih tinggi iaitu sekitar 7.8 peratus.

“Berdasarkan anggaran ini, penyusutan yang berlaku dijangka lebih cepat dan memang ada kemungkinan tinggi Lautan Artik akan bebas dari ais pada musim panas beberapa dekad sebelum 2050,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, ketiadaan litupan ais di lautan akan membawa implikasi besar kepada pencerapan haba oleh lautan dan peningkatan suhu air laut kerana tanpa litupan ais, permukaan laut akan menyerap haba dengan lebih cekap.

FAKTA: Peningkatan paras laut
• Kadar peningkatan purata paras laut dunia adalah sekitar 1.8 milimeter (mm) setahun bagi tempoh 1961 hingga 2003 tetapi ia meningkat pada kadar lebih tinggi iaitu 3.1 mm setahun dari tempoh 1993 hingga 2003.
• Dianggarkan 80 peratus haba yang terdapat di atmosfera akan diserap lautan sehingga lautan juga menjadi panas sehingga ke kedalaman 3,000 meter dan apabila lautan menjadi panas, isipadunya juga akan bertambah.
• Jangka masa peningkatan paras laut mengambil masa yang lama disebabkan proses mengagihkan haba secara keseluruhan dalam lautan mengambil masa yang lama.

INFO: Pemanasan global
• Berpunca daripada pembakaran bahan api fosil seperti arang batu, minyak dan gas menyebabkan peningkatan mendadak karbon dioksida dalam atmosfera. Karbon dioksida dan gas rumah hijau lain mampu menyerap haba solar serta memanaskan haba terbabit. Keadaan ini adalah sesuatu yang bagus kerana ia menyebabkan Bumi kita sesuai untuk didiami.
• Bagaimanapun, peningkatan mendadak karbon dioksida di atmosfera akibat pelepasan gas rumah hijau tanpa adanya keseimbangan penyerapan oleh pohon hijau (yang semakin berkurangan akibat aktiviti pembalakan) menyebabkan suhu di Bumi semakin panas.
• Kajian penyelidik Institut Fizik Universiti Bern dan ‘Projek Eropah mengenai Empulur Ais di Antartika’ membentangkan data yang empulur ais di kawasan itu mengandungi paras karbon dioksida lebih tinggi berbanding 650,000 tahun lalu.
• Amerika Syarikat dan Australia adalah antara negara yang enggan menandatangani Protokol Kyoto 1997 yang diperkenalkan sebagai usaha mengurangkan pemanasan global dengan mengurangkan pelepasan gas rumah hijau khususnya pelepasan sebatian karbon di kalangan negara peserta.
• Pengumpulan data oleh saintis mendapati 2005 direkodkan sebagai tahun paling panas di bumi sejak penghujung abad ke-19 manakala 1998 adalah tahun kedua paling panas.
• Kajian terbitan jurnal ‘Nature’ pada 2004 meramalkan yang perubahan iklim dunia akan menyebabkan lebih satu juta spesies pupus menjelang 2050.

GUNUNG kinabalu

थिस इस थे रियल काप्तुरे ऑफ़ अमेजिंग माउंट इन थे मोर्निंग फ्रॉम कुन्दसंग